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Getting Started

You have an application you want to monitor? All you need to do is add a reference to the Pulseway Cloud API jar file: pulseway-cloud.jar and add two lines of code in your application, it's that easy!

Service.getInstance().configure("Application Name", "Group", "Running on " + computername, false);
Service.getInstance().start("username", "password", "apikey");

The last parameter in the "configure" method represents offline notification switch. If it's set to true you will receive a notification when the instance goes offline.

Replace "Application Name" with your instance name, "Group" with the group you want, "Running on " … with anything you want, "username" and "password" with your Mobile Pulseway account details and "apikey" with the API Key assigned to your account. Click here to request your API Key right now.

Now run your application and it will show up in your favorite Pulseway Client.